
I'm going to relate the lessons I've learned from my students in my health classroom through stories I have from our class discussions, assignments, and interactions. Feel free to share some of your own "lessons learned" through the lessons you've taught your students. If you're not in education, perhaps you can relate lessons you have learned from children at some point in your life. Look forward to sharing stories!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Proud Moment

Today I graded my nutrition projects. One of my students wrote a reflection about the assignment and their future eating habits as assigned. I want to share a tidbit Brandon's reflection because it made me proud that something I taught had stuck with a student and will make him a healthier and happier person (if he sticks with it obviously).

my student's reflection, "Usually I eat a lot of fattening foods. I used to have 1-2 mountain dews a day, rarely hit the 8 glasses of water recommendation, and not as much fruit and vegetables. Now I cut my soda drinking. I haven't had a soda since we started this. All I drank is water and milk. I have started eating fruits or vegetables with every meal. Also I have stopped eating as much as before. I started eating smaller portions. From now on I plan on eating healthier and I don't feel as tired as I used to. It has definitely changed me for the best." ---one kid at a time :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to get kids to understand good eating habits! I love how you are trying to change kids outlook on food and nutrition. Kudos to you!
