Today I graded my nutrition projects. One of my students wrote a reflection about the assignment and their future eating habits as assigned. I want to share a tidbit Brandon's reflection because it made me proud that something I taught had stuck with a student and will make him a healthier and happier person (if he sticks with it obviously).
my student's reflection, "Usually I eat a lot of fattening foods. I used to have 1-2 mountain dews a day, rarely hit the 8 glasses of water recommendation, and not as much fruit and vegetables. Now I cut my soda drinking. I haven't had a soda since we started this. All I drank is water and milk. I have started eating fruits or vegetables with every meal. Also I have stopped eating as much as before. I started eating smaller portions. From now on I plan on eating healthier and I don't feel as tired as I used to. It has definitely changed me for the best." ---one kid at a time :)
What a great way to get kids to understand good eating habits! I love how you are trying to change kids outlook on food and nutrition. Kudos to you!